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French Polynesia (FR) - XPF
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Canada (FR)- CAD
Canada (EN)- CAD
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France (FR) - €
Reunion island (FR) - €
French Polynesia (FR) - XPF
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United States (EN) - $
Canada (FR)- CAD
Canada (EN)- CAD
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Our destinations
Our Flights
Montréal - Paris
Paris - La Réunion
Reunion Island
French Polynesia
Dominican Republic
Flight & booking
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Best Offers
Train + Air service
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Flight info
Flight status
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Services & Fares
Our fares
Our classes
Economy class
Premium class
Our services
Checked baggage
Second checked baggage
Travel kit
Choice of standard seat
Seat with a sea-view
Maxi leg seat
Cosy cabin
Maxi leg seat in cosy cabin
Maxi leg Premium seat
Standard pieces of sporting equipment
Large pieces of sporting equipment
Priority boarding
Priority baggage
Premium upgrade
Airport lounge
In-flight entertainment
Airport Extime lounge
In-flight internet access
Easy Upgrade
Organize my trip
Before the flight
Children and babies
Help for bereaved families
Passenger assistance
Plus size passengers
At the airport
"Bee ON TIME" - Deadlines
Prohibited items
The lounge
Transit at San Francisco
On board
A la carte meals
On board services
Entry requirements and travel conditions
About French bee
Discover French bee
A Dubreuil group company
Air Caraïbes, sister airline of French bee
Our safety commitments
Help center
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France (FR) - €
Reunion island (FR) - €
French Polynesia (FR) - XPF
Other countries (EN) - €
United States (EN) - $
Canada (FR)- CAD
Canada (EN)- CAD