How long is the travel time to Papeete?

Flight time Paris - Punta Cana

To help you plan your trip, please note that it takes an average of 9 hours to fly to Punta Cana from Paris Orly in France. This estimate may vary slightly according to wind and weather conditions. In addition to flight time, please allow around 30 minutes for take-off and landing. As the flight between the two destinations is a long-haul one, you'll need to arrive at Paris Orly 3 hours before departure time to check in your baggage with the airlines. Your total travel time is thus estimated at 12h30.

Temps de vol San Francisco

Flight duration to Punta Cana

  • From Saint-Denis de la Réunion to Punta Cana, flight time is 17h30, for a distance of 14,167 km.
  • From Papeete to Punta Cana, flight time is 12h30, for a distance of 9,746 km.
  • From San Francisco to Punta Cana, flight time is 7h15, for a distance of 5,621 km.
  • From Tokyo to Punta Cana, flight time is 16:15, for a distance of 13,307 km.
  • From Beijing to Punta Cana, flight time is 16h30, for a distance of 13,512 km.
  • From Moscow to Punta Cana, flight time is 12h, for a distance of 9,246 km.
Temps de voyage San Francisco

Fly to Papeete!

Frequently asked questions

What is the price of a flight to Papeete ?

All our prices are calculated to offer you the best possible deal on flights to your dream destination. 

What type of aircraft does French bee operate for its flights ?

Our fleet consists exclusively of brand new Airbus A350-900 aircraft. Designed specifically for long-haul flights, our planes are equipped with state-of-the-art technology aimed at maximizing passenger comfort. 

What are the travel options with French bee?

We offer travelers the opportunity to make a smart choice for unexpected comfort with 3 different fares: BASIC, SMART, or PREMIUM. Each of our passengers has the ability to create a tailor-made and unique journey by selecting services according to their needs, preferences, or budget. 

What payment methods are available on

With 100% secure online payment, payment in 3 or 4 installments, split payment among friends, multi-card payment, etc. We offer a wide range of payment solutions tailored to your needs and preferences.