The culinary specialties of Miami

Between street food and chic restaurants, between local dishes and inspirations from elsewhere, you will find something to delight your taste buds. Want to try a Miami culinary specialty? Take advantage of your trip to multiply gastronomic discoveries, from the most gourmet to the most healthy. There is something for all budgets and all desires!

Cuban sandwich, Miami’s most popular dish

Created in cafés in Key West or Tampa, where the first Cuban immigrant communities were concentrated, this Miami culinary specialty is simply a must. The Cuban sandwich (also called Cubano) is a kind of Cuban bread sandwich. It contains pork roast and/or ham, accompanied by cheese, some mustard and pickles. Cooked in a press like a panini, it is both crispy and melting. A real delight!

This specialty can be enjoyed in food trucks as well as in traditional restaurants or fast food chains. There are several variations, including salami or other kinds of bread. That’s enough to multiply the pleasures of your stay in Miami.

spécialités culinaires Miami

Seafood products with multiple flavors

Surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Everglades National Park to the west, the city showcases seafood in its gastronomy. In search of a Miami culinary specialty, don’t miss the Reuben lobster, a freshly caught lobster sandwich. Taste the stone cran clams, giant crab claws that are eaten with sauace tartare. You will also be seduced by the fish prepared in Cuban, Creole or Hawaiian sauce, which are both healthy and gourmet!

Miami also offers delicious sushi, especially in Wynwood. Do you prefer meat? If the must-have burger is obviously on the menu, let yourself be tempted by a more unusual Miami culinary specialty: Frog legs and gator cocks, frog legs and alligator bites.

The incredible success of street food

If food trucks are increasingly implanted in France, they are already legion in the United States. In Miami, you’ll find colourful trucks on almost every street corner. The opportunity to taste arepa, a cornbread filled with meat, cheese, ham or beans. Originally from Venezuela and Colombia, this sandwich has established itself as a culinary specialty in Miami.

Street food will also delight you with tacos, burritos, Thai dishes, cupcakes and other burgers of various inspirations. An ideal option to treat yourself without breaking your piggy bank, and while continuing to visit the city. Some snacks also offer a «on-the-go» version of a Miami culinary specialty, such as crab claws that can be already peeled or grilled fish to eat in sandwich.

The sweet delights of Miami

You want to give yourself a gourmet break during your stay? Impossible to miss the Key Lime Pie, offered by many restaurants. This is a cousin of our lemon meringue tart, in a more exotic version with limes!

Another culinary specialty of Miami as the rest of the United States: cinnamon rolls, melting and rolled brioches, filled with cinnamon and icing sugar. A very rich delicacy that can be found as a dessert in chic restaurants, bakeries and food trucks. Enough to regain strength before continuing your discovery of the assets of Miami.


Frequently Asked Questions

What do we eat in Florida?

Floridians eat a lot of seafood, rice and beans. They also like crayfish and crabs.

What do we eat in Miami?

There is no single answer to this question, as the type of food consumed in Miami depends on everyone’s preferences. However, the most popular dishes in Miami are Cuban cuisine, seafood and Latin-inspired dishes.

What are the American culinary specialties?

American culinary specialties are numerous and varied. They include typical dishes of American cuisine, such as hamburger and fries, but also dishes from immigration, such as pizza and Chinese.